Allen’s Story: IT You Can Trust
People. Progress. Polar. Allen’s Story: IT You Can Trust As a young boy, Allen Orwick knew—as young boys coming of age in rural North Dakota […]
BAND: Caring for Communities Across North Dakota
BAND: Caring for Communities Across North Dakota When Victoria Clair moved from Las Vegas to Williston, North Dakota in 2015, she was drawn to the […]
BAND: With Gig, You Can Do It All
Stream HD video, work from home, even immerse yourself in entertainment. Gigabit Internet may seem impossibly futuristic, like flying cars or robot pets, but it’s […]
Janelle’s Story: Making Work-from-Home Work
People. Progress. Polar. Janelle’s Story: Making Work-from-Home Work The Skibicki farm sits three and a half miles south of rural Fordville, North Dakota. It’s where […]
BAND: Collaboration, Commitment, and Connectivity
How a “flyover” state became a national leader in broadband connectivity. These days, conventional wisdom would have you believe that anything west of the Appalachian […]
Scott’s Story: Bridging The Digital Divide
People. Progress. Polar. Scott’s Story: Bridging The Digital Divide Through the USDA ReConnect program, Polar will deploy broadband to 1,500 rural locations—including Scott’s Sporting Goods. […]
COVID Story: Keeping Students Connected
People. Progress. Polar. COVID Story: Keeping Students Connected Working with local schools, Polar delivered broadband to students in need during the COVID-19 pandemic On August […]
Education Story: Investing in the Future
People. Progress. Polar. Education Story: Investing in the Future How a partnership between Polar and local schools prepares students for life beyond the classroom Lights. […]
The Gagners’ Story: Levi’s Hope
People. Progress. Polar. The Gagner’s Story: Levi’s Hope For the Gagner family, the internet is more than a convenience; it is a way to provide […]
Katie Skoog’s Story: Simple Life Patterns
People. Progress. Polar. Katie Skoog’s Story: Simple Life Patterns With high-speed Internet from Polar, Katie Skoog is able to sell her patterns to an international […]