Work Smarter & Harder: NDTC + AgResources Spotlight
The collection of equipment at AgResources in Maddock, ND resembles an assemblage of Tinker Toys and Legos; red, yellow, blue and green tractors, old cars, lawn mowers, even a motorcycle or two are gathered in the garage ready to be repaired and shipped off. In front of the shop, shiny new tractors are assembled like soldiers for interested buyers to examine.
“We serve farmers across the state and beyond,” says Amanda Johnson, bookkeeper, co-owner, and do-whatever-else-needs-to-be-done manager at Ag Resources. “It’s important for us to be able to communicate with our customers no matter where they are.”
Ag Resources was started by Amanda’s father-in-law,, Dave Johnson, in 1987. They sell new and used farm equipment to farmers across North Dakota and in the upper Midwest. As their business has continued to grow, their customer base has continued to expand from statewide to regional, to beyond. Yet, they continue to operate a business from their home-base in Maddock, ND — something that is very important for Amanda and her family.
“I grew up in a small community,” says Amanda. “I married a small town guy, and we raised our kids here.”

Amanda’s community is like an extension of her family. There aren’t residents or businesses in the town that she lives in, only family and friends.
“You go anywhere in this community and someone’s going to know you,” says Amanda. “It’s like a huge family.”
For Amanda, It’s important to have local businesses, like North Dakota Telephone Company (NDTC), that invest in her community and the people who live in it.
NDTC, located in Devils Lake, is one of eighteen broadband companies that make up the Broadband Association of North Dakota (BAND). NDTC has made it their mission to provide the people in their communities with great broadband services that are affordable. For many in these local communities, the broadband services that NDTC offers enables small-town businesses and schools to grow.
“When I call, they know me, and I know them,” says Amanda. “It’s nice to have that personal touch.”
NDTC provides residents and companies in rural communities with broadband that connects them with the rest of the world. Without the services that NDTC offers, rural businesses like the one Amanda works for, Ag Resources, wouldn’t be able to sevice
“Broadband has become so important,” says Rod Hoffmeyer, General Manager of NDTC. “If they lose their service they would have to close their doors. They wouldn’t be able to do their normal, everyday operations.”
For Ag Resources, the broadband service that NDTC provides does more than help them survive – it helps them thrive in a competitive market.
“The service that NDTC provides helps keep our expenses down. We don’t have as much mailing or print advertising because we do it online,” says Amanda. “It’s allowed us to cut costs and be more competitive.”
For NDTC, it’s the relationships they make with their customers that makes it all worth it.
“There is nothing better than knowing you’ve done your best and see in a satisfied customer,” says Rod. “It makes you feel proud when you have employees and customers who appreciate what you do.”

To learn more about BAND and your local broadband provider visit https://www.broadbandnd.com/