Polar Communications recently awarded Drayton Public School a $2,500 Technology Grant. They will use this grant to implement their project submission, Virtual Reality in Education.
From their project narrative submission: With normal teacher led learning we can only remember 10% of what we read but can retain 90% of what we experience. With that we can improve students’ interaction within the classroom by incorporating visual stimuli with a virtual reality experience. Learning through experience can boost knowledge retention by up to 75%.
The Polar Technology Grant Program provides funding for PK-12 schools enabling them to purchase hardware, software, contracted services, and other technologies that target student achievement through technology integration. Applicants were required to submit their proposals, including an overview of their project abstract, goals, narrative, and budget information. All accredited PK-12 schools in Polar’s service territory were eligible to apply. This is the 15th year Polar has provided this grant program to the schools we serve. Over $67,000 has been given to enhance technology in the classroom. We are proud to invest in our schools and the community, providing value for the future!

Pictured are Drayton School Technology Director Jeremy Lund, Polar Board Member Amber Meyer, and Drayton School Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Peterson.