Tech Tip: New Year, New Apps, New You

It’s that time of year again! The presents have been opened, the Christmas lights have been packed away, and New Year’s resolutions have been made…and probably forgotten. 

The failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is said to be about 80 percent, and most people lose their resolve by mid-February. But what if we told you that the key to keeping your resolutions was right at your fingertips?

Whether you want to exercise more, break a bad habit, or balance your budget, today, we are going to share five apps that will help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions (and FYI, we are not paid by or affiliated with these apps in any way). 

If you are more of a visual learner, watch our latest Tech Tip video to follow along with tech expert Riley. Let’s get started.

Resolution: Get In Shape
App: FitOn

One of the most common resolutions is to “get in shape.” If that’s on your list, then FitOn is the app for you. FitOn offers free workouts that you can do at home, at the gym, or outside. And with courses as short as five minutes, FitOn makes it easy to fit exercise into your busy schedule.

Resolution: Save Money
App: Mint

If you’ve decided that 2021 is the year that you’re finally going to start a real budget (no, saving the change in your couch cushions to buy pizza does not count), Mint may be your new best friend. Just plug in some basic banking info, make a few decisions about how much you want to spend on what, and Mint will keep you in line.

Resolution: Be More Productive
App: Todoist

With so many Zoom meetings to attend, projects to finish, and errands to run, it’s almost impossible to keep track of everything. Enter: Todoist. Todoist allows you to easily organize and prioritize your tasks and projects so you’ll always know exactly what to work on next.

Resolution: Break A Bad Habit
App: Strides

If you’re ready to kick your caffeine habit or stop hitting snooze every morning, Strides will help you keep your eyes on the prize. Strides helps you break down your goals into doable chunks, and lets you easily track your progress. It’s like your own personal pocket cheerleader, sending encouraging notifications when you achieve your goals.

Resolution: Be More Mindful
App: Headspace

Finally, even if you are aware of the benefits of meditation—like lowering stress, improving sleep, increasing focus—the idea of sitting alone with your thoughts can be pretty daunting. Headspace makes it easier by providing a full library of themed meditation courses, expert guidance from a former monk, and Sleep Sounds to ease you into a good night’s rest.

We can’t promise that you’ll never slip up on your resolutions. But with a little help from these apps, you’ll be able to pick yourself up and try again.

That’s it for this edition of Tech Tips! Check back soon for another tip to make your technology work for you.

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